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and Gaming

Protect and Care

for the 

Island's Animals

Play and help real world animals

Care for your Island Ecosystem

Play to Earn

Play to Give

   “In a gentle way we can shake the world”

Mahatma Gandhi

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A world of kindness caring and conservation.

Welcome to Gorilla Gazing!


Play and Help Raise Money for Real World Animals Across the World


Gorilla Gazing is a fun, happy game where you nurture your beautiful island paradise

and care for the animals that live there. 


From the butterflies to the mighty Gorillas this ecosystem is yours to look after

Arrive on Heartbeat  Island 

Take a dip in the stunning clear blue waters 

Play and help real world animals

Build your eco friendly base camp and animal hospital 


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Tend your

veg garden

Take a canoe trip

Has a youngster been lost or stuck in a tree?


A water supply may need attention

Clean up

the beaches

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Gorilla Gazing features its own in-game Utility Token


The Utility token stands for caring for animals across the globe 

The mighty gorilla protecting his fellow creatures


Each month a percentage of tokens will be donated to animal charities. 



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Gorilla Gazing Token

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